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Eco Schools

Meet Our Eco Club!


The Eco Council aims to make environmental awareness part of the ethos of our school. The Eco Council consists of pupils who have been chosen/elected to represent each class and the school as a whole. Mrs McLoughlin and Miss Meighan are also part of our Eco Council, their role is to support the council with anything they need or any ideas they have.


Our role

The Eco-Council is tasked to:

  • Ensure that the whole school is aware of the Eco-Schools programme

  • Take the lead in carrying out the Environmental Review

  • Ensure that everyone in the school community is represented in the decision-making process

  • Provide a link between pupils, teachers, senior management team, governors and the whole school community

  • Take the lead in delivering the Eco-Schools Action Plan


Our aim

Our Eco Council have selected three areas to focus on which are:


  • Energy

  • Litter

  • Healthy Living

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