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Primary 2B - Miss Welsh

We had such a great day playing in the park to celebrate the end of primary 1! :)

Well done to everyone who took part in our sports day! We all had a great time! :)

We had lots of fun raising money for MacMillen Nurses. We danced our hearts out! :)

We had so much fun tasting different fruit for our food topic. Some of them were sweet and some were sour.

Take a look at our fantastic costumes for World Book Day! We dressed up as our favourite characters and told our classmates about our books.

P1B had a great time making and eating pancakes on Pancake Tuesday! They were delicious! 🤩

We are excellent at numeracy! We can make sets (while developing our fine motor skills), order numerals, create patterns and use a Carroll Diagram to sort objects!

We have been practicing our listening skills in the classroom!

During play we love to use the Interactive Whiteboard to draw pictures and play games.

We loved learning through our story, Elmer! Take a look at the fun activities we did.

We loved taking part in the Santa Mile!

We loved learning about the birth of Jesus.


Settling into Primary 1

We have had so much fun settling into primary 1. Take a look at what we have been getting up to.

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